I'm Denise, a developer and (learning) sysadmin! $> ls arrow about projects links footer version_française $> cat arrow

$> cat about I am a 20 year old student at 42 Paris with some experience in the following technologies: In the past, I have:
$> cat projects
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A low-effort one-on-one chatting service: just pick a name! See code at https://git.sr.ht/~denisebitca/lowf

  _____             _____  _    _  _____   ______  _____
 / ____|    /\     / ____|| |  | ||  __ \ |  ____|/ ____|
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 \_____|/_/    \_\|_____/ |_|  |_||_|  \_\|______|\_____|
Stock manager and price calculator (cash register) software for my old high school. See code at https://git.sr.ht/~denisebitca/cashreg

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Small local free software host with the goal of helping people with taking control of their own data by fighting for a free and common digital world. See more (in French) at https://miaoute.net%